4 Steps On How To Be Brave, While On A Narrow Path~ Step 4 of 4: No Matter What Do Not Quit
While on a narrow path, as a chosen and set apart person, you will face difficulties that most people do not experience. As much as you want to quit, don’t. I believe that in order to fulfill our calling, we must have a strategy in place that help us face the hard road ahead of

4 Steps On How To Be Brave, While On A Narrow Path~ Step 3 of 4: Find Your Purpose
Now that you are discovering who you are and are learning the power of prayer, it is time to change everyday life so you can live in your calling. When you find your identity, you will find your calling. This is important because an identity without a purpose is meaningless. One of the biggest question

4 Steps On How To Be Brave, While On A Narrow Path~ Step 1 of 4: Learn To Pray
I sometimes feel that sharing truth can leave one feeling lonely, and isolated. Truth doesn’t always feel good even though it leads to freedom. Why is it that we as humans dislike the truth? Could it be that truth requires change? Then change then requires work on our part? I find that a journey like