Who is The Most High 2 of 2: What is His Name ~ Origin of Other Names?
In this post we will examine where other names of The Most High Sonini Nanini came from. In the previous post, we see that the true name of the Most High is Sonini Nanini. I AM THAT I AM or I AM WHO I AM is one of the meanings, but it truly means so

Christians are Catholics, Catholics are Christians 2 of 2 ~Similarities
In the previous post we explored this topic showing how both catholics and christians are one the same. The biggest common factor is deception, and rebellion. The Bible says that rebellion is the same as witchcraft. Rebellion led to lucifer’s fall and just like he fell, he is using religion to push people away from

Christians Are Catholics, Catholics Are Christians 1 of 2
As I embark on this journey of spirituality and understanding who I worship, this topic keeps coming up. Most Christians are basically coming at me saying that the issues that I am bringing up are of Catholics not christians. This post is about drawing out similarities between christianity and catholic religion. In order to be