Who is The Most High 1 of 2: What is His Name?
Lets be honest! You cannot truly have a relationship with someone without knowing their name. Every person has a name. The Most High named Adam and Eve. He instructed Adam to name each creation. It is vital to understand the importance of a name. What does a name tell us about someone? If having a name is so important to The Most High, what is His name? How can The Most High best describe Himself. Since His Attributes are so many to list, could there be a name that can encompass all of them? He named, so He must have a NAME.
What Does The Bible Reveal?

The first time that we see The Most High saying His name is when He appeared to Moses. The Most High heard the cries of His people in captivity. Moses fled Egypt because of killing an Egyptian who was mistreating one of the Chosen People. As the story goes, Moses settled in Midian where He married and was a shepherd. You think your life is tough? Imagine going from prince of Egypt of the mightiest land in the world, to a shepherding sheep. As someone who has sheep in my homestead, it is not that glamorous of a job. Moses saw a bush burning in the distance. I can only imagine that bushes caught on fire many times before. However, this particular bush burned without it fully vanquishing. This picked his curiosity as it would anyone else.
13 And Moses said unto God, Behold, when I come unto the children of Israel, and shall say unto them, The God of your fathers hath sent me unto you; and they shall say to me, What is his name? what shall I say unto them? 14 And God said unto Moses, I Am That I Am: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I Am hath sent me unto you.
Exodus 3:13
As a christian for the longest time I called the Most High many names. I believed that he has so many names because of different language, or because of His abilities. As I embarked on this journey I learned that this is one of many deceptions of christianity. If you take a closer look at His commandments, you will see how important His name and status is to Him.
“I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. “You shall have no other gods before Me.
Exodus 20:2-3
What Is His Name??
Since everything has a name, it is safe to assume that these other gods have names as well. In this manner we can identify who The Most High is, and who the other gods are so that we do not break the very first commandment. Wouldn’t you agree? Also, in His creation story He always leaves a signature in His work. It is safe to assume that His name is just as unique as He is. Since we only have one passage in the Bible where He tells us His name, what does His name mean? Also, does the Bible actually give us the name or the meaning of His name? To answer these question we must understand that the Son and the Father are One. I was able to show this in the previous post “Who is The Most High: What does He Look Like”.
What Do Ancient Languages Reveal?
The Next thing we have to do is look at the Bible and see of there are other clues that can show us what The Most High’s Unique name is. Was there an old language that can lead us to identifying The Most High’s name?
46 And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?
Matthew 27:46
In the verse above they translated the passage as Father, Father why have you forsaken me? However, does such language exist today? Did christianity and Bible translators lie to us? Off to Google translate we go. Based on this video, this language does exist. This is a bantu dialect Xhosa. This language is prevalent the villages of South Africa, where there is no technology influences. By using google translate you can see that the true meaning is :This This is For The Sabbath Keepers”.
25 And this is the writing that was written, Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin.
Daniel 5:25
Xhosa Ancient African Dialect: What Is It Doing In The Bible??
Yet again, this verse above is translatable from Xhosa to English and match the meaning the Bible gave us. See this video for a reference. The question is what is Xhosa doing in the Bible if The Savior is and only spoke Hebrew? Could it be that they created Hebrew from Xhosa? In fact, I believe this to be true. I believe that when they made the Hebrew language they stole it from Bantu (Aramaic). Lets take a look at what Hebrews say the name of the Most High is. The best image I could find is this:

In Xhosa The Name of The Most High is NiNi. Compare the ancient Bantu language and the Hebrew name for the Most High, do you see the similarities? If the Bible that was translated from Hebrew (so called the original language) how is it the original language is quoting another language xhosa? It is safe to say that Hebrew was indeed copying from Xhosa, right? Additionally, NiNi means AM. Xhosa is the only language that can have the translation of I AM THAT I AM which is SONINI NANINI. The only language on Earth that shows NINI to look like the Hebrew name of The Most High.
See Part Two
In conclusion, since it appears that Hebrew copied and used Xhosa language to come up with YHWH, any names of the Most High that come from YHWH are questionable and should be investigated. Is it possible that some of those names are actually attributed to other gods. Could be that christians have been deceived in calling the Most High a wrong name? Look into this and let me know what you find. Post your findings in the comments, please. oh, while you are at it, look up all the meaning of Sonini Nanini.