How To Live A Balanced Life: 5 Pillars of Life
How do you balance everything in your life? Parenting, being a spouse, a parent, a worker, a friend, and so on? Have you adopted a system that keeps you grounded, and on track? If so, can you share in the comments and also subscribe please? My system has 5 pillars that I call, The Five

How To Start Over After A Loss
One thing we can expect in life, is loss. You may be able to anticipate some losses, however most the time what makes loss deeply felt is the sudden nature of it. So, what do we do when losses happen? There is no blueprint on how to really handle losses. Each person, will handle losses

4 Steps On How To Be Brave, While On A Narrow Path~ Step 4 of 4: No Matter What Do Not Quit
While on a narrow path, as a chosen and set apart person, you will face difficulties that most people do not experience. As much as you want to quit, don’t. I believe that in order to fulfill our calling, we must have a strategy in place that help us face the hard road ahead of

4 Steps On How To Be Brave, While On A Narrow Path~ Step 2 of 4: Know Who You Are
One of the struggles I faced most of my life is lack of identity. It recently darned on me that I am not the only who has this type of struggle. My reason was that I never knew who my father was. This left a void within me of always wondering if I met him,

How to Restore Your Sleeping Routine
So you have lost your sleeping routine for one reason or another. So, how do you manage the sleeping issues especially that sleep is vital to our health and wellness? As someone who has struggled with sleep for the longest time, I have decided to be intentional and strategic with sleep. It is a fight

How to Building on Solid Foundations: Health and Wellness
Health and wellness is so important but usually overlooked. Have you ever heard that saying, “What is it worth for a mans to gain the entire world, but lose his soul”? What is it worth for you to get all the wealth, the spouse, but not be here long enough to enjoy them? You can