Relationships Archives - Surviving a Genocide to a thriving Woman Sun, 23 Jul 2023 22:39:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 201514763  Deuteronomy 28: Interracial Marriages Sat, 07 Jan 2023 21:42:18 +0000 Isn’t it funny how when you go back and re-read the Bible you start to see your life unfolding in front of your eyes? Everywhere I look, there is a increase trend of interracial marriages. Not too long ago in American history interracial marriages were frowned upon. Now, it looks cool and hip. As someone...

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Isn’t it funny how when you go back and re-read the Bible you start to see your life unfolding in front of your eyes? Everywhere I look, there is a increase trend of interracial marriages. Not too long ago in American history interracial marriages were frowned upon. Now, it looks cool and hip. As someone who has married the opposite race, not once, but twice, read my stance on it toward the end of this post. As I examine the pages of the Bible, especially Deuteronomy 28, interracial marriages has another meaning to me and in fact, it is almost scary when you start to see how Sonini Nanini was so against these marriages to the point where Abraham and his family married relatives to keep their seed as pure as possible.

What I Believe So Far….

First, I believe that the slaved people from transatlantic slavery are in fact The Chosen People according to Deuteronomy 28. Secondly, I believe that the 400 years prophesied to Abraham by Sonini Nanini ended in December 2019, hence why COVID-19 happened to vaccinate and defile people’s seed/DNA, and also to collect data to see who has E1B1A DNA markers. Finally, I believe that now that the punishment time passed, we are starting to awaken and to remember who we are. Some of us have responded to the call, and share what we are learning as we learn the truth.

32 Your sons and your daughters shall be given to another people, and your eyes shall look and fail with longing for them all day long; and there shall be no strength in your hand.

Deuteronomy 28:32
Holy Matrimony

Longing for Them All Day Long

If you read and study of what happened during slavery in America and all around the world, you will quickly see how the slaves longed for their enslavers for their every need. With that said, have you heard of Stockholm Syndrome. This is when the abused longs for the well-being of the abuser. You can clearly see this when a house negro loved his master so much that he was willing to whip his own people to please the master. Additionally, it was not uncommon for the husband to share his wife with the master. Woman were used to reproduce children for the purpose of servitude. These mixed children grew up having sympathy for their white fathers, even though he treated them poorly. Overtime, The Chosen People started to look at favors extended to those who were lighter skinned. As a consequence they longed to be like them. Therefor, there was an increase of skin breaching, hair straightening, and envying the west cultures and lifestyle. Today, His People are still longing after the ways of the nations just like in the old Bible times.

No Strength to Change Anything

Imagine living as a slave. You are someone’s property. You have no economic backing and every single one of your needs, you depend on the master to provide to you. I can only see how the verse became true, there was no strength for them to free themselves. I also see the lack of strength today, in a system plagued by racism. There were times in my life where the system truly failed me. It hurts! Seeing that you are in need of justice even when you paid for it, but you had to jump through so many hoops to get adequate help or representation. However, Sonini Nanini doesn’t forget His people, especially now, He is coming through for them. I see this especially in this new Era we are in! Be careful to not touch His anointed.

What Did Sonini Nanini Say About Mixing With The Nations

One of the reasons why Sonini Nanini forbid interracial marriages, was the survival of His People once they occupied the Promised Land. Because of their sin, they had to fight with leadership of Joshua to occupy the Land. As you can see in the verse below, in order for to not only survive, live in peace, and prosper, they were commanded to only marry their own kind. Sonini Nanini works in legacy and generation to generation. In order for the Chosen People’s children to inherit the land, interracial marriages was not go! Did they listen? Of course not!

12 Now therefore, do not give your daughters as wives for their sons, nor take their daughters to your sons; and never seek their peace or prosperity, that you may be strong and eat the good of the land, and leave it as an inheritance to your children forever.’

Ezra 9:12

Why Was Interracial Marriages Forbidden in The Bible

As mentioned above, the survival of the Chosen People depended on them not entering any covenants aka contracts with the nations. Sonini Nanini knew that contracts are binding and He also honors what they represent. If you remember correctly, He and His People entered in a contract/covenant. Each party in the contract has duties to perform and if he or she fails to perform such duties, the contract has consequences and penalties. We see this often in business, rental agreements, mortgage notes, etc…Sonini Nanini knew the wickedness of the nations. In fact He chose a people to Himself and assigned them the task of showing the nations who Sonini Nanini was and what he did for them. You see this in verse 6 below. envying the nations led to idoltry, and other sins offensive to Sonini Nanini.

“When the Lord your God brings you into the land which you go to possess, and has cast out many nations before you, the Hittites and the Girgashites and the Amorites and the Canaanites and the Perizzites and the Hivites and the Jebusites, seven nations greater and mightier than you, and when the Lord your God delivers them over to you, you shall conquer them and utterly destroy them. You shall make no covenant with them nor show mercy to them. Nor shall you make marriages with them. You shall not give your daughter to their son, nor take their daughter for your son. For they will turn your sons away from following Me, to serve other gods; so the anger of the Lord will be aroused against you and destroy you suddenly. But thus you shall deal with them: you shall destroy their altars, and break down their sacred pillars, and cut down their wooden images, and burn their carved images with fire. “For you are a holy people to the Lord your God; the Lord your God has chosen you to be a people for Himself, a special treasure above all the peoples on the face of the earth.

Deuteronomy 7:1-6

What Does Unequally Yoked Actually Mean?

In christianity, I used to think that unequally yoked means not marrying someone who is not a christian. This is a deceptive way to look at this topic. Some truly come as wolves in sheep clothing extremely deceptive. As I am re-learning things I believed, I am realizing that unequally yoking happens not at a belief level, not at a culture level, not even at a religious level, but at the Spirit level which is the core of who we are. How else can we explain the differences between Cain and Abel? How about Jocob and Esau, and of course for the ladies, Ruth and Olpa? Most of the time even those who share DNA can be unequally yoked. However, there is a way to minimize unequally yokeness, and based on Sonini Nanini’s instructions this included not intermarrying with the nations who were not part of the Covenant.

43 As you saw the iron mixed with soft clay, so they will mix with one another in marriage, but they will not hold together, just as iron does not mix with clay.

Daniel 2:43

Consequences of Interracial Marriages

As you already know clay and iron cannot mix. The reason His People always got in trouble, it is because they looked with human eyes. We tend to see what is beautiful to the flesh and pursue that. As you already know, mixed children are extremely beautiful. The skin tone and hair are just perfection. Hence why they are usually envied from both whites and blacks. However, if you know anything about Sonini Nanini He looks at much more than just our flesh and what it looks like. He understands what we don’t so His advice and insights are much more than what our flesh can tell us. I find that now mixed people are confused people. They struggle with identity issues, and most of the time feel as though, they must choose a side. Additionally the divorce rate in interratial couples is higher and face racial issues consistently.

Confused Children Mixed Royalties

When the colonizers too over many parts of the world, they understood that interracial breeding was necessary to ensure continuity of their colonies. Children of the colonizers, received preferential treatments including education abroad, designed to create royalty and brainwashing. As a consequence, religion entered The Promised Land, and family units broke down. Mixed people struggle with identity more so than their counterparts. You will find that most of the mixed people are not full accepted by whites (we are talking about white and black interracial marriages). They melanin in them make it hard for them to full be counted as whites. Same for the black community, sometimes doesn’t full accept mixed people here in America as they are seen as a betrayal as they have that white in them. As a consequence we have created a race of people who have mental issues, and a lack of belonging.

High Divorce Rates

Click the title to read on the statistics on interracial divorces compared to the same race marriages. So, what can possibility cause this increase? Everything I talked about like not being equally yoked. Also, racism play a role. I can only imagine what it would be like to marry into a family and be treated as an outsider because of your race. Wait a minute, may be I know a thing or two about that feeling. The biggest reason is that interracial marriages is also against Sonini Nanini design for marriage especially for His Chosen People. Listen, no matter how much you pray and consecrate your marriage, if it is outside of His design, it will not work. I can also say a thing or two about this from my personal experience. Obedience is better than sacrifice always.

Will You Go To Hell For Interracial Marrying

When I started this spirituality journey and realized that religion was a deception, I cried bitterly. Not only that I did not know that I was in the lineage of Yakobi due to interracial marriages and mixing, I cried for my children that resulted from such marriage. I did not know if they were to perish since they were not a part of the covenant. I was truly heartbroken. So, I asked Sonini Nanini to show me and answer my questions. I sat on my couch, closed my eyes, and open the Bible at random. I opened The Bible to Amos 9! Read it! Not even the smallest seed of His People will perish. Additionally, He is calling gentiles, and Edomites to Himself. Why, because there are those in the Nations, that love and want to obey Him. Don’t let your fleshly eyes fool you!

The Destruction of Israel (Jerusalem is Still in Ruins In Southern Part of Africa)

I saw the Lord standing by the altar, and He said:

“Strike the doorposts, that the thresholds may shake,
And break them on the heads of them all.
I will slay the last of them with the sword.
He who flees from them shall not get away,
And he who escapes from them shall not be delivered.

“Though they dig into hell,
From there My hand shall take them;
Though they climb up to heaven,
From there I will bring them down;
And though they hide themselves on top of Carmel,
From there I will search and take them;
Though they hide from My sight at the bottom of the sea,
From there I will command the serpent, and it shall bite them;
Though they go into captivity before their enemies,
From there I will command the sword,
And it shall slay them.
I will set My eyes on them for harm and not for good.”

The Lord God of hosts,
He who touches the earth and it melts,
And all who dwell there mourn;
All of it shall swell like the River,
And subside like the River of Egypt.
He who builds His layers in the sky,
And has founded His strata in the earth;
Who calls for the waters of the sea,
And pours them out on the face of the earth—
The Lord is His name.

Are you not like the people of Ethiopia to Me,
O children of Israel?” says the Lord.
“Did I not bring up Israel from the land of Egypt,
The Philistines from Caphtor,
And the Syrians from Kir?

“Behold, the eyes of the Lord God are on the sinful kingdom,
And I will destroy it from the face of the earth;
Yet I will not utterly destroy the house of Jacob,”
Says the Lord. “For surely I will command,
And will sift the house of Israel among all nations,
As grain is sifted in a sieve;
Yet not the smallest grain shall fall to the ground.
10 All the sinners of My people shall die by the sword,
Who say, ‘The calamity shall not overtake nor confront us.’

Israel Will Be Restored

11 “On that day I will raise up
The tabernacle of David, which has fallen down,
And repair its damages;
I will raise up its ruins,
And rebuild it as in the days of old;
12 That they may possess the remnant of Edom,
And all the Gentiles who are called by My name,”
Says the Lord who does this thing. 13 “Behold, the days are coming,” says the Lord,
“When the plowman shall overtake the reaper,
And the treader of grapes him who sows seed;
The mountains shall drip with sweet wine,
And all the hills shall flow with it.
14 I will bring back the captives of My people Israel;
They shall build the waste cities and inhabit them;
They shall plant vineyards and drink wine from them;
They shall also make gardens and eat fruit from them.
15 I will plant them in their land,
And no longer shall they be pulled up
From the land I have given them,”
Says the Lord your God.

Amos 9

My Story (Coming soon stay tuned)!

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4 Steps On How To Be Brave, While On A Narrow Path~ Step 4 of 4: No Matter What Do Not Quit Sun, 03 Jul 2022 02:02:22 +0000 While on a narrow path, as a chosen and set apart person, you will face difficulties that most people do not experience. As much as you want to quit, don’t. I believe that in order to fulfill our calling, we must have a strategy in place that help us face the hard road ahead of...

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While on a narrow path, as a chosen and set apart person, you will face difficulties that most people do not experience. As much as you want to quit, don’t. I believe that in order to fulfill our calling, we must have a strategy in place that help us face the hard road ahead of us. Moving through life blindly is dangerous. For a set apart person, life challenges can be insurmountable. After life has toyed with you once, twice, three times, eventually you must to take life by its horns?! Additionally, you start evaluating everything and deciding what is important in life. Is money, fame, success enough? I am here to tell you that your spiritual life is the most important aspect that leads to all others.

Strategize/Nothing Happens By Chance

In order to strategize so that you do not give up, the first three steps are: 1. Establishing a prayer life, 2. Clearly know your identity, and 3. Identify Your calling. As I illustrated in prior posts, your spirit man leads everything. In order to be successful in our journey, we need some supernatural help and reinforcements. Our spirit must connect with Sonini Nanini not only in prayer but also in covenant. Sonini Nanini has rules and regulations that He hold dear. These commandments, statutes, and ways of Sonini Nanini are designed to connect us to Him. In order for us to succeed in our calling, we must obey them. Sonini Nanini is the foundation for everything that we do. Otherwise, we cannot fulfill the calling He gave us at creation, if we do not obey Him.

Obey The Law

We are a spirit with a soul, and a body that encapsulates it all. Our Spirit has to draw from another spiritual source in order to feed our souls and bodies. The spiritual source can be a good source or an bad source. The light or darkness will guide your life. It is life an electrical grid that feeds smaller grids where you house connects to. Some connect to dark spirits and practice spirituality that leads to manipulation, control, murder, lying. Others connect to spirituality that leads to love, forgiveness, kindness, generosity, treating others the wat we want to be treated. However, one source of spirituality is more powerful than the other, and it is the one of our Creator. Sonini Nanini has rules, and statutes in place for us to obey in order to live well.

The Savior Did Not Take Away The Commandments

Most Christians will say that The Savior said that we only have two commandments now and that is it. What they fail to notice is that these two commandments are two categories of the entire list. The first 4 commandments about our love to Sonini Nanini.

Love Thy Sonini Nanini

  • You shall have no other gods before Me. Sonini Nanini is the only Creator, The Most High. No other deity shall be worshipped other than Him.
  • You shall not make idols. No graven images shall be worshipped. It is idolatry.
  • You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain. You must respect Sonini Nanini. He is mighty, He is good all by Himself. He was not created buy created the entire universe. Show respect that is greater than any king receives.
  • Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. This is the commandment that most christians break. We must observe the weekly Sabbath just life Sonini Nanini did. For six days He created, and on the 7th day, He rested. The Sabbath starts Friday at sunset (google when the sunset is in your area, till Saturday evening at sunset).

The last 6 commandments are about our relationships with each other. I find it very interesting that more commandments are about relationships with each other. This twice about how you treat others.

Love One Another

  • Honor your father and your mother. Your earthly father and mother brought you in this world. No matter if are good parents or not, you must honor them for the fact that they brought you into this world.
  • You shall not murder. This is also includes abortions, and wishing someone to die. Pay attention to your thoughts and ask for forgiveness when you sin in your mind.
  • You shall not commit adultery. The Savior pointed to the fact that lust even when lacking physical act, is adultery. We must keep ourselves in check through prayer and repentance.
  • You shall not steal. Any form of stealing. Don’t cheat your taxes. Don’t take from the poor, and definitely do not take anything without asking no matter how small.
  • You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. Don’t lie about others. Do not slander others, do not gossip. (Forgive me Sonini Nanini. This is an area that I sin against you)
  • You shall not covet. Be grateful for what you have and pray for what you need. Do not wish in envy what others have.

17 “Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill.

Matthew 5:17

Daily Routine


How you start your day will make a huge difference. Getting in the habit of starting your day alone with Sonini Nanini will definitely lead to great things. On a daily basis plan 30 to 45 minutes minimum ideal 1 hours of alone time as soon as you wake up. Start with a prayer. Your prayer life will evolve as you spend more and more time with Him. It is important to thank Sonini Nanini, ask for forgiveness for breaking His commandments, and consecrate your day to Him. I would recommend spending 30 minutes praying and worshipping. Moreover find songs on youtube specifically worshipping Sonini Nanini, not jesus or god or lord. This is one of the songs that I really like. I had someone translate it for me to make sure it is for The Most High.

Gratitude List

Your gratitude list will change your mindset completely. Daily in your alone time after prayer or as a part of your prayer, be sure to list everything, and everyone you are grateful for. Continually thank Sonini Nanini for your breath and the fact that you are alive. Thank Him for your family, your home, and your ability to earn a living. Make your list as detailed as you can. You can based your list on your Sonini Nanini, health, wellness, relationships, and finances. Additionally, make a list of people you are grateful for. Throughout the day reach out to them and tell them how much they mean to you. This can be your spouse, or your children, or people you work with.

Your Life Goals Vision and Mission Statements

It is important to speak out loud your life’s goal’s vision and mission statements. I broke these categories down as follows for your reference on how I wrote vision and mission statements:

  1. Spiritual Vision and Mission Statements
  2. Health and Wellness Vision and Mission Statements
  3. Relationships
  4. and Finances and Wealth

Your Daily To Do Lists and Schedule

While you are alone, take some time to go over your calendar or to-do list. You can ask Sonini Nanini to give you favor to complete the most important things. In His wisdom, He knows what we need most. Therefor, include Him in your to-do list as well. I prefer electronic calendar and online document that I can copy and updated daily. I use google workspace account, which helps me keep everything on one place. However, you can use a notebook, and a simple pen along with a desk calendar or notebook calendar. It is up to you how you manage your schedule. The most important thing is that you manage it. I find that no matter, there are daily items that must be done on a daily basis no matter what. Make this list, laminate it, and hang it where you can see it.

Fuel for Your Body

Very little can be accomplished when our bodies do not have what it needs. Health and wellness is vitals in this case to make sure that our bodies are in a top shape. Therefore, sleep well, plan and eat healthy meals, and exercise your body. Moreover, hydrate too. I find that the best water bottles are those that have interval trackers on them and can hold 1 gallon of water. A good rest, good food, and hydration will go along way in helping you in achieving your calling and persevering. Sometimes it is the simplest things that can lead us to greatness.

Fight Discouragement And Rest

For someone like you who is on a narrow path, you will deal with a lot of setbacks and discouragement. You are in a war my friend. Learn strategies of warfare because you are not only fighting here in this physical realm, you are also fighting in the spiritual realm. Listen to your entire being spirit, soul, and body. Are you getting tired? If so, plan rests in your strategy. Identify ways that your body need a re-set and then pick yourself up again and keep moving. Never get stuck in a funk. If you need to cry, cry! While you cry, analyze the reason why you are crying. Depending on a reason of your sadness address it in prayer, and also in seeking assistance like therapy. You are in a war, and sometimes even warriors take time to rest and re-strengthen themselves.

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Who Is The Most High 1 of 3: Who Are His People? Sun, 08 May 2022 04:25:01 +0000 We have established that one of the characteristics of The Most High is that He works in covenants. We see this after He created Adam and Eve and gave them dominion over the Earth and everything in it. He then issued a decree of what not to do while they ruled the earth and laid...

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We have established that one of the characteristics of The Most High is that He works in covenants. We see this after He created Adam and Eve and gave them dominion over the Earth and everything in it. He then issued a decree of what not to do while they ruled the earth and laid out the consequences of what would happen if they disobeyed. In order to have a covenant, you must have two parties that will be going into that covenant. A covenant is a contract. In order to understand who The Most High is, you must know who His people are. Once you know who His people are, then you will understand His covenant with them. In other words you cannot obey something that you do not understand, let alone interject yourself in a covenant that is not yours.

Identifiers of The Most High’s People

His People are Beautiful

If you have read my posts so far, you have come to understand that The Most High created brown people initially. We also read in the Bible what The Most High looks like, brown with wool like hair. One would assume that since he created men in His own image and likeness, His chosen people would also match that characteristic. However, how can we be so sure? The only way to investigate this is to go back in history books. Ancient civilization can show us what people looked like at that time, and how they migrated.

Egypt was one of the most advanced civilization that is mentioned a lot in the Bible. Additionally, The Bible mentions key people who were mistakenly to be Egyptians. So, if we can establish that Egyptians were dark/brown people with wool like hair, then we can assume that The Chosen People were in fact dark and brown in appearance. Proving who His People are, we can determine the imposters, and finally understand His covenant. This is so exciting because those who are lost are found. Identity crisis is over!!

Ancient Egypt People

I would like to point out that the information I am sharing is based on research of others not my own findings. With that said the earliest recording called Edfu show texts recordings the Nile River and the first conqueror Horus. It is believed that Horus did not come from other continents, but within the continent of Africa. In my studies, I have found that some want to elude that Egypt is not a country on the continent of Africa. This is deceptive because some believe that Africa was a savage land with no civilization. Egypt proves that Africa was indeed the start of civilization as we know it. Horus come from the continent of Africa specifically from Uganda and modern day Somalia in those days according to E.A Wallis Budge writings.

Ancient Egyptians were Dark/Brown People?

Horus brought with him the Iron Age to the people he conquered in Egypt. It is easy to assume that working with iron was common where he came from, right? A Greek writer called Herodutus confirms the true identity of ancient Egyptians to be dark people with wool like hair. Additionally ancient Egypt name was Kemet. Kemet means black land. You can do your own research on this obviously however lets exercise some logic. If you study the climate of Egypt, you will see that it is dry, hot, and dominated by desert. For white people to be able to live in this climate and thrive in it by building pyramids that took years to build doesn’t seem realistic to me. Also, for white people to occupy ancient Egypt, it would mean that they migrated from Europe and we would be able to prove this in History books.

Ancient Egypt The Oldest Civilization

The Pyramids are also another resource we can use to identify people of ancient Egypt. Do me a favor and google search pyramids in Europe. You will not find any! However you will find pyramids not only in Egypt, but in Sudan as well. In fact Sudan has more Pyramids than Egypt. Naturally it is safe to assume that if the pyramids are common to African countries, because they were built by Africans. This proves that Africa was indeed a civilized land. You can also see this by looking at the Ruins of Old Zimbabwe. These ruins were built with large stones. Because of the nature of Pyramids, and the large stone structures found in Africa, one can assume that the Lost City, The Old Jerusalem is in fact in Africa, not modern day Israel. This is in the next topic.

The Most High Servants in The Bible~ What Did They Look Like?

Does The Bible give us a clue of who Sonini Nanini’s People are? Yes, it does and let me prove it to you. Not only that The Bible talks about His People, it also talks a great deal about Egypt. The Chosen People come from Abraham. Abraham was minding his own business until Sonini Nanini called him. Abraham had Isaac, Isaac had Esau and Jacob. Jacob is the one who continued on with the Covenant, and he was renamed Yash’rel (The Promised Land). Jacob had 12 sons, and Judah is the line The Savior came from. (When I wrote this topic, I knew in part, now I know more. It turns out Jacob was born born first. He did not steal anything. The ladder he saw at Bethel, it was him being transformed and his DNA updated by Sonini Nanini some form of a covenant moving forward. Look out for this topic! It turns out those who paragalized the Bible did not understand the culture and language of those they were stealing from.

Now the Lord had said to Abram: “Get out of your country, from your family and from your father’s house, to a land that I will show you.

genesis 12:1


The first account I want to talk about is when there was a famine in the land of Canaan. At that time, Joseph one of the 12 sons of Jacob was in Egypt as an important figure. Pharaoh promoted Joseph because Joseph was the only one who could interpret Pharaoh’s dreams. Since we have established that Egyptians were in fact dark/brown, lets see what The Bible says about Joseph and His brothers. I am sure his appearance changed overtime. The change has something to do with aging not with the change of skin color. The people of Egypt are dark/brown, Joseph blended in as a dark/brown person.

And the sons of Israel went to buy grain among those who journeyed, for the famine was in the land of Canaan. Now Joseph was governor over the land; and it was he who sold to all the people of the land. And Joseph’s brothers came and bowed down before him with their faces to the earth. Joseph saw his brothers and recognized them, but he acted as a stranger to them and spoke [a]roughly to them. Then he said to them, “Where do you come from?” And they said, “From the land of Canaan to buy food.” So Joseph recognized his brothers, but they did not recognize him.

genesis 42:5-8


Fast forward to when Sonini Nanini heard the cry of His People in Egypt. As the story goes Moses was a Prince in the House of Pharaoh. However, Moses was not in Egyptians rather he was rescued by Pharaoh’s sister from the river Nile. Go read the Bible. It is a fascinating story. Fast forward, just like any adopted children, eventually they find out that there are different from the rest of the children and start asking questions. Moses figured out that He was one of the Chosen People, and he killed an Egyptian who was mistreating another chosen person. Moses committed murder, and went on a run. As he is running he came to a land of Midian (this place comes up again in this article) and identified as an Egyptian aka a dark/brown man.

15 When Pharaoh heard of this matter, he sought to kill Moses. But Moses fled from the face of Pharaoh and dwelt in the land of Midian; and he sat down by a well. 16 Now the priest of Midian had seven daughters. And they came and drew water, and they filled the troughs to water their father’s flock. 17 Then the shepherds came and drove them away; but Moses stood up and helped them, and watered their flock. 18 When they came to Reuel their father, he said, “How is it that you have come so soon today?” 19 And they said, “An Egyptian delivered us from the hand of the shepherds, and he also drew enough water for us and watered the flock.”

Exodus 2:15-19

King Salmon

David was the second king of Israel. David was beloved by Sonini Nanini. Salmon was King David’s son who was wise and rich. In fact, King Salmon (might have been Musa Musa need to research this) built the first Temple of Sonini Nanini. The Bible say that King Salmon’s wealth was the greatest ever! No one has come close to his wealth. King Salmon had a lot of wives, and concubines. This account in The Bible is where he describes himself. There is another account in the Song of Solomon Book where his lover also describes his face and his hair. Clearly King Solomon was dark. His father was dark/brown, and ancestor Judah was dark/brown as described in Jeremiah 14:2. Remember The Savior would come from the line of Judah, Son of David.

am dark, but lovely, O daughters of Jerusalem, Like the tents of Kedar, Like the curtains of Solomon. Do not look upon me, because I am dark,
Because the sun has tanned me. My mother’s sons were angry with me;
They made me the keeper of the vineyards, But my own vineyard I have not kept.

songs of solomon 1:5-6


There was a time that The Promised Land (next topic) did not have kings to rules it. At that time judges ruled the land (judges is another word for chiefs in Africa y’all). One of the judges was Samson. This guy was the super hero of his time. He had super strength hidden in his hair. As the story goes, the philistines wanted to know why Samson was so powerful and hired Delila to spy and weaken Samson. Today, there is a war on where dreadlocks came from. White people claim that Vikings started the trend. Dark/brown people claim that dreadlocks are from African cultures and that the whites stole this practice. No matter which side you are on, dark hair is so easy to dreadlock because of its wooly, kinky, a tightness nature. Today, white people are able to achieve the dreadlock look because of products, which did not exist in Samson days.

13 Delilah said to Samson, “Until now you have mocked me and told me lies. Tell me what you may be bound with.” And he said to her, “If you weave the seven locks of my head into the web of the loom”

Judges 16:3

The Savior

The Savior’s arrival was not a secret. The prophecy had details of His arrival. When the wise men went to King Herod to find where Msindisi was ( Meaning Savior, the name jesus is not his true name), Herod wanted to find out too so he can kill Him. When the wise men got warning to take another path instead of going back to Herod, Herod got angry and planned to kill all children two and under. This when an Angel warned Mary and Joseph to flee to Egypt. How can you hide somewhere, if you stand out. It is safe to assume that The Savior also looked like the Egyptians, who were brown.

13 Now when they had departed, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream, saying, “Arise, take the young Child and His mother, flee to Egypt, and stay there until I bring you word; for Herod will seek the young Child to destroy Him.”

matthew 2:13

Apostle Paul

You know the chritianity religion as we know it today rely heavily on the teachings of Paul. They took his teachings and twisted them to fit their agenda. If Paul was one of The Chosen People, surely he cannot be a white man. In fact Paul was sent to spread The Good News yes, but not to the gentiles, but first to the Chosen People who were scattered in all the corners of the Earth. In efforts to get back on track, what does The Bible say about Paul’s appearance. Can a man like Paul well educated, be brown?

37 Then as Paul was about to be led into the barracks, he said to the commander, “May I speak to you?” He replied, “Can you speak Greek? 38 Are you not the Egyptian who some time ago stirred up a rebellion and led the four thousand assassins out into the wilderness?”

Acts 21:37-38

If you read the story of Job, dig a little deeper in the songs of salmon, and read about the leprosy when Moses asked for a sign, the evidence is overwhelming. The Bible is a Dark Race history book. The Bible reminds Sonini Nanini’s people who they are and the covenant of their fathers. what is so sad, is that we do not know who we are. Our identities, culture, and land stripped from us to this day. I cannot tell you how devastated I was when I found out I was worshipping a replacement of The true Savior. Antichrist can also mean “in place of” it is not only “against something” typical meaning. I urge you to seek The Most High yourself, to understand what is His truth. In the mean time, stop doing what our ancestors did. That is disobedience. Turn to Sonini Nanini and be free and whole.

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How to Building on a Solid Foundation Tue, 26 Apr 2022 18:04:09 +0000 As I continue on this journey of self-discover and of finding my identity, I have tried to reconcile different areas of my life. Think about it, we have so many responsibilities that pull on us. Do you ever feel like you need a system that can help you keep each area of your life in...

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As I continue on this journey of self-discover and of finding my identity, I have tried to reconcile different areas of my life. Think about it, we have so many responsibilities that pull on us. Do you ever feel like you need a system that can help you keep each area of your life in check? If you are anything like me, I would find myself excelling in one area, while another important area of my life falls apart. Do you find yourself playing catch up? Look no further in this post, we are going to explore the journey that I went on to find a balance in my life. There are four areas that I focused on while on this journey of finding balance. In my self-discovery journey, I learned that we are tri-beings. We have a body, a soul, and a Spirit. Each part of who we are needs to be taken care of. Additional we are living on this planet called Earth, so we have external needs. These needs must be considered in this journey called “finding a balanced Life”. Some areas to explore when considering creating a balance in your life are Spirituality, Health and Wellness, Finances and Wealth, and Relationships.

My Story

Work to Find Balance

I was struggling with finding a balance for a long time. I had individual goals for different areas of my life, but I found myself frustrated because I felt like I did not have control over my own life. I ha tried everything I could from time blocking, to list making, but still as soon as one thing was caught up, the other thing was falling behind. I felt like I was on a roller coaster that never ended. Due to ups and downs, I started to get stressed, my health declined, and as result I got behind even more which created frustration. My quality of life in terms of joy and happiness started to get affected. Naturally, I am a goal-setter, an over-achiever, a dreamer, and I found fulfillment in achievement. Part of my self-discovery journey, it was important to me to be honest with myself in terms of looking at my strengths and weaknesses. Self-discovery and the journey of finding my identity meant that I had to do the hard-work to get to the root of the issues in my life that I wanted to change. I went on a 90 days journey to fully understand my life, and re-evaluate what is important to me. This is what I found out:

Common Reasons Why We Lose Life Balance

Looking back now, it it is easy to pinpoint some reasons why life balance is lost. One of these reasons reason is trauma. Like I shared in the previous post recovering from trauma is a life long journey. Although therapy helps, sometimes we are triggered, and if not careful we can fall into the old habits and stay in a unhealthy cycle. My tendency is to shift from pain to doing, and doing, and doing. This results in extending myself too thin. Do you find that you have some coping mechanism when triggered? What are your coping mechanism? How do you overcompensate when dealing with past trauma. I believe that knowing ourselves even knowing the things about us that are negative, can help us get our balance back sooner.

If we are not careful, our strengths can easily turn into our weaknesses when they are not in balanced. For me my dreaming and goal oriented nature can easily be used against me because, when triggered I want to go back to doing things I find fulfillment in. Having people in your life who know your strengths and weaknesses can play a huge role in helping you get your balance back. It is important for those who are close to you, to be people you can trust. I do believe that people in your life can make or break you. A supportive team member, spouse, friend, etc…can make a big difference in telling you the truth when they see that you are doing too much or too little. The can even volunteer to take things off of your to do list if it is something that can’t be taken off of the list. If everyone in your life did their roles or their jobs well, then you can focus better without worrying about everyone else jobs. Knowing that everything else is taken care of even when your to do list is increasing can ease your mind a bit.

Another factor to consider is responsibility. Lets be honest, we all have them. Bills have to be paid, we have to eat, and meet other financial responsibilities that fall on us. Life happens to all of us. One minute things are going very well, then next something unexpected happens. We are expected to figure things out quickly, and in all honest, this expectation is not realistic. So we fall behind, we choose which task to tackle first, second etc…and we do our best and hope for the best that tomorrow is a better day. However, if we plan for the hard times and have contingencies in place, we can maintain life balance better. Do you have challenges that come up once in a while to plan for? How can you go about combating those challenges?


As I dived deeper into who I am, I found that the best answer as to do with spirituality. The answer to the question, who are you? covers so much including our spiritual nature. The core of who we are. As tri-beings we are complex and this is why so many like myself struggle with identity, especially those who suffered severe trauma. The 90 days journey forced me to ask serious hard questions for the first time in my life. As mentioned in the Ways of Finding Who You Are posts I was asked hard questions because I had never taken a serious look into my life. My Spirituality took a hit the most because, the deeper I looked inward of who I was, the more I wanted to learn the truth about God, Jesus, and the christian faith. I had held the christian faith so dear to my heart, soul, and mind. Although initially Spirituality was not a part of the Program, this is something that was important to me. As I dived deeper into Spirituality and why I believe what I believed, it started a journey that I did not expect. In this journey, I was able to reconcile with some of the questions I had in my christian walk. I completely changed direction and start to re-learn everything that I thought I knew. You can read what I wrote about this topic so far here: I wholeheartedly believe that your Spirit needs care and attention. How do you care for your spiritual part of you? How do you find answers to your spiritual questions?

Health and Wellness

Living a Thriving Life

What does Health and Wellness means to you? Health and wellness is the way we take care of our bodies, mental health, and over-all quality of life. The health part is vital because it is very difficult to life a good life while the body is sick. Same for wellness, it is very difficult to enjoy what your body does for your while you mind is ill. A healthy mind tells the body what to do, while a sick body is worthless to the healthy mind. As you can see health and wellness go hand in hand. There are activities that we have to engage in to take care of our bodies such as fitness, nutrition, and hydration. What I have learned so much in my life, is that there is answer to a problem somewhere. For our wellness, we must manage stress, get enough rest, and practice self-care designed to enjoy life. The key to reaching our health and wellness goals is to find the answers and apply it to your problem areas of our health and wellness problems. One of the things that I am grateful for right now in our lives, is the access to knowledge, and information. All you have to do is have internet access, and ability to type up a question. The issue is not that we do not have the answers, the issue is that we have to ask ourselves hard questions, and be willing to change and adopt. Unfortunately this work is not easy. However, in order to change our habits that negatively affect our health and wellness, we have to invest in ourselves, and be willing to do the hard work. As I invested time in this not so easy work, I learned a few things about weight loss, eating habits, sleep, and mental health. I understood that not only that I have to take care of my body, but also my soul. Mental health is something that I have been advocating for especially when it relates to trauma. Achieving wellness is probably one of the hardest work I have done to date. How do you practice wellness? What healthy activities do you engage in to regulate yourself?


People in Our Lives

Lets talk about people in our lives. If there is one think I know we are meant to co-exist with other people. We are social creatures. We come from a family, and we build our own families. Life is not meant to be lived alone. However, for people who suffered trauma, we can sometimes isolate. The causes of isolation can be a result of so many reason. In my journey of finding balance, I wanted to understand how I go from, the do-it-all myself kind of a girl to delegating and sharing these goals with others. I also learned so much about how to treat and appreciate people in your life. In order for strong relationships to be sustain, gratitude had to be a foundation. Simply taking time in my day to call, and to send a text to someone about what I appreciated about them and why I was grateful for them. When we are overwhelmed, we lose sight of the good in our lives. It is important to take note literally of what is good in your life to see how blessed we are.

I noticed that my priorities were a bit out of place. There was a time that I had to work 12 hour days every day when I was building my business. However, years later, the business was built and infrastructure was put in place, but I forgot to slow down and spend quality time with my loved ones. I will share some of the tips in a separate blog post. How can you be creative in planning quality time and make sure that your loved ones enjoy the time that you spend with them? Quality time with our loved ones is sometimes overlooked and pushed down to the priority list. This is a huge mistake, because we are not guaranteed tomorrow. Love and appreciate people in your life because life can be too short sometimes.

Finances and Wealth

Where is my Money?

Lets be real. We all need money. We need money for daily needs, but also to plan for our future. Additionally, we have to understand out money blueprint in order to be fulfilled in this area. Financial independence is very important, especially when we have children, and wish to leave them with a legacy. Most parents do not wish for their children’s to struggle like they did. This is why finances and wealth come into play. However, for me, I know how to make money, but I have not fully learned how to manage it well. This is where the financial blueprint comes in. The way we view money. The rich dad and poor dad concept. In my journey, I had to learn how to make money work for me not having to always work for money. At some point, all the hard work in creating a business, or in climbing a corporate ladder has to pay off, right?

Building wealth takes planning, discipline, and knowing what your financial goals are to start working towards them. Knowing your financial blueprint, goals, and having a system in place, helps tremendously, especially when life decides to throw us curveballs. I was in a way moving blindly in this area of my life, and I am so glad that now I have tools, tools that I will share with you.

The Connection

You can now see how how all these areas spirituality, Health and Wellness, Relationships, finances and wealth are all connected. If one of these areas are out of balance, everything else eventually comes crumbling down. In order for everything to move in harmony, and to avoid stress and frustration, there has to be a system in place that connects all these key areas together in order to have a balanced life. The system makes it possible to adjust when goals change or when life happens to us. A clear picture of our financial health allow us to have peace of mind. Tell me a little bit about how you have achieved balance in your life. What systems do you have in place that help you build on a solid foundation? What curve balls has life thrown at you that are hindering you from living a balanced life? Any advice?

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How to Building on Solid Foundations: Relationships Tue, 26 Apr 2022 02:05:34 +0000 Well, lets talk about the people in our lives. We are very much interconnected and it is not even funny. There is no place you can go on this great Earth and not interact with people. The issue is that interacting with people can be like walking in a land mine. Not everyone we meet...

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Well, lets talk about the people in our lives. We are very much interconnected and it is not even funny. There is no place you can go on this great Earth and not interact with people. The issue is that interacting with people can be like walking in a land mine. Not everyone we meet is a friend or a foe. We need social IQ to best identify who to bring in our circles and who needs to stay at arms length. However, sometimes we do not have a choice, especially when it comes to family. We are born into a family, in a location, and amid circumstances we cannot control. Some of us were abused by those we share DNA with. The abuse and neglect has left us perhaps not able to make real connections with others. We may have a hard time trusting those around us, making it difficult to form long lasting relationships. I am here to tell you that you too, can have meaningful relationships despite the pain, and the trauma you suffered.

My Story

People make relationships

As you may already know, I was born and raised in Rwanda Africa. Growing up, I was able to see and feel what it is like to be in a family. Although I never knew who my father was, I was surrounded by male roles models. I looked to my older brother, and my uncles examples. In 1994 my family was wiped out by a genocide. When I lost them I was at a critical age that what happened after that shaped me into an adult I am trying to know today. Did I ask to be born there? Did I ask for a Genocide to happen? Of course not! However, I have to live the effects of my circumstances. One of those effects is relationship building and how it is an important part of my life. As a mother, a wife, a sister, and aunt, a business owner, a citizen, and so on relationships are a must to live a fulfilling, balanced life.

Additionally, there is a relationship that matters the most than any other relationships out there. This is the relationship between you and your creator. This relationship outlines how other relationships in my life should be. It is a foundation that leads to everything else in our lives. In my journey to the truth, I found that great relationships do not happen by accident, but rather by well planning, intentionality, and gratitude. There is no commodity more valuable than time. For this reason, I must spend quality time with the people I love.

Visions Statement

A vision statement is a statement that I used to describe what my health and wellness goals look like. I understood that I needed to be intentional and specific in this area in order for me to have a clear road map if I was going to achieve my goals. My Vision statement looks like this:

A part of being a mom is to nurture those I love. Our quality time with each of my loved ones will be filled with laughter, creating memories, and fun. Spending one on one with my loved ones will help us reconnect and strengthen our relationships. We will play games, do activities together, and spend time talking and doing things my loved ones are interested in doing.

Yvette, d.

Mission Statement

The mission statement goes into details and breaks your goal down in a way that is SMART (Specific, measurable, realistic, and timely). For someone like myself, this is an important step because I tend to create goals that seem to be too much. Breaking a goal down almost guarantees success in achieving that goal. This is what my mission statement looks like:

Starting April 26th to July 7th, 2022 for a 90 day period (Timely) I will spend one on one time with each one of my loved ones once per month. I will ask each one of them what they want to do. I will make the activity something that they want to do, not what I want to do. In the next 90 days, I will recite out loud my relationship vision/mission statements to remind me of my commitment to those I love. I will spend a minimum of 1 to 2 hours per each one on one date. I will also make it a point to show my gratitude to each one of my loved ones. Instead of pointing out their shortcomings, I will compliment and point out how much I love and appreciate them. On a daily basis, I will share my gratitude to at least one member of my family per day based on the good they are doing. I will also do one act of kindness per day to show my loved ones how much they mean to me. Most importantly I will spend one on one with my Creator first thing in the morning.

Yvette, D.

How to Strengthen the Relationship with Your Creator

As I mentioned in the previous posts, you must set time aside to commune, and know your Creator, and who you are because of Him. If you want to live a good life, this is a pre-requisite to that. There is no other way. This is beyond having a religion, this is about having a relationship. Religion is a mask, relationship requires venerability, and humility. Additionally, having a relationship with your Heavenly Father, means that you must be obedient. Obedient to His Laws and His Word. He is not your equal, He is your Creator! Your Father, whom we must obey. Obedience is a sign of our Love for Him. His grace and mercy is a sign for love for us. His sustenance, and letting us keep the breath he breathed in us, is the GREAT LOVE.

And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

Genesis 2:7

We owe everything to the one who controls our breaths. The one who knows the days we will live and the purpose of our lives. Don’t you think we owe him a few minutes in the morning to say hello to Him, to thank Him, and share our lives with Him?

How to Strengthen your Relationship with your Family

It is easy to sacrifice our relationships especially with all the responsibilities that fall on us. If you are anything like me, you are married, have children, and either you have a job or a business to manage. You still have a household to maintain, maybe a hobby or two! Addtionally, we have more distractions these days that eat up our time such as social media, current events, and life issues life sickness, or emergencies, etc…

It is easy for us to assume that our loved ones will be with is forever. We think that, there is always tomorrow to make it to that game or that recital. However, time doesn’t stop and wait. You, your spouse, and your children are aging. The time we lose, cannot be replaced or made up. Time is truly the most valuable commodity there is. Do not lose hope. I believe that if you still have breath in your lungs, you can still make a difference in your most meaningful relationships. You can start by doing a couple of things:

Appreciation and Gratitude

One of the habit I adopted in my 90 day program was to write out a gratitude statement about someone else. Once I wrote it, I would I either go, call, or text the person and tell them that I was grateful for them and why. Taking this time to look outside of ourselves, and verbalize what we are grateful for in others, helps strengthen our relationships. We can also strengthen our relationships by showing appreciation to those we love. Speaking our gratitude is great, but also actions speak louder then words. Going out of our way to do something that our loved ones do not expect, shows that we are thinking of them, we value them, and we love them. You do not have to spend a lot of money to show appreciation. It can be helping with something that someone is struggling with. Maybe do their chores or responsibilities for them so they can rest. Make their favorite meals and snacks. Touch and hug them often and compliment them. How do you show appreciation and gratitude in your relationships?

Be Intentional when Planning Quality Time

It is one think to agree with me and tell yourself that you will spend quality time with those you loved ones moving forward. However, there is a little bit of work that needs to take place to ensure this area of your life is successful. Start with a conversation with your loved ones. Acknowledge your failure and apologize for not spending quality time with them. Ask them what they would life to change in your relationship. Really, listen! Their input will help you with ideas to start with. Next, go to your calendar and block these times out. Call and plan outings if this is what they want to do. Think about and anticipate this time with them. Be excited, and excite them too so that all parties are looking forward to the outing. If you are anything like me, this process will not always go smoothly. This is why it is so important to speak your vision and mission statements out loud every morning. Which action will you be taking today to start planning your quality time with your loved ones?

How to Strengthen your Relationships with Others

The process is really very similar in terms of appreciation, gratitude, intentionality, and planning quality time. However, lets talk about the dynamic of friendship shift after COVID-19. I personally feel that there is a shift with my old friends especially that our views were not the same during, and after COVID-19. The quarantine created this separation and fear of connection and hanging out with those outside our households. I am still not sure how to go back and reconnect, but when I figure it out I will share. Lets talk about those we work with. As a business owner and a leader it is my job to show appreciation and encouragement to those in my organizations. At the same time, it is important to keep the professionalism in these relationships. This is a topic that I will cover more in my next post finances, and wealth. Regardless, everyone wants to feel appreciated, seen, and important. How are you connecting with your friends after COVID-19? How are you recognizing and strengthening relationships with your colleagues?

We must co-exist with others. We must come together and fight for humanity. Come together as neighbors, friends, family, colleagues. Put our differences aside, and just be humans. Yes, there will be pain, heartache, and struggle, but there is something about being human that is just incredible. We are fragile, frail, but also strong, and overcomers. We are created in The Most High’s Image. He deposited His own breath in these vessels made out of dirt and gave us dominion over everything else. He valued this clay like vessels enough to deposit His own Breath and Likeness. It is time we know who we are, and act like we are valued.

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Healing, Self-Discovery, Finding The Truth, and Identity Journey Sat, 16 Apr 2022 21:25:13 +0000 One of the traits of trauma is identity crisis. One of the things people who suffered trauma do is to disassociate from who they were before the trauma to an alternative personality. I do not need to be a psychiatrist to know this, because this was my experience. Depending on the type of trauma one...

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One of the traits of trauma is identity crisis. One of the things people who suffered trauma do is to disassociate from who they were before the trauma to an alternative personality. I do not need to be a psychiatrist to know this, because this was my experience. Depending on the type of trauma one has experienced, it is common to adopt to a persona in order to cope, survive, or to suppress the trauma. In order to fully live a healed, thriving life one must go back to the core of who they were before the trauma. This requires to go on a self-discovery journey in order to discover one’s true identity. It is also important to uncover what is truth and what is an illusion stemming from trauma. In this post I am talking about how my journey of healing, self-discovery, finding truth, and identity.

The Journey to Healing

The healing journey is not easy in a sense that no one wants to re-live things that hurt them. Second no one wants to find that they have been living a lie, and breaking that illusion can be painful. Third the idea of starting all over or having to change is not ideal to many. It takes courage to embark on a healing journey, however the journey is like a rollercoaster. There are hills and valleys, and no guarantee on how long the journey will take, or how much time one will spend in the valley, or time spent climbing hills. However, there is power in truth! The truth will definitely set you free. I guess the question to ask yourself is, do I want to continue live in an illusion that could shutter any moment, or do you want to have a foundation that is solid and whatever I build on it, will stand forever?

My Story

For as long as I can remember, I struggled to fit in. Even when I was a child in my homeland, I was an outsider. I was shy, unpopular, and often bullied. My mind set back then was of black and white, never gray. For as long as I can remember, I have been wondering who I am, and why I am here. My identity crisis got deeper as I got older and as I attempted to trace my ancestry and where they came from. I was trying to understand why the Rwandan Genocide happened 28 years ago this April month of 2022 and took almost all of my family including my mother and sister. Additionally, I never knew who my father was, so this had left a part of me void. With these challenges of not being able to know who my lineage is, I also ended up in a foreign land. I had to adopt to a culture, language, and lifestyle to fit in. Slowly over time, I started to lose myself up until, after my daughter’s birth about five years ago today where I started to ask questions. Lets just say there has been a lot of tears, and sleepless nights with new revelations.

Embracing Blue

Most Common Answers to Identity Questions

If someone asked you today “Who are you”? What would your answers be? I bet you would start with your name, then move into your life roles, like you are a father or a mother, a sister, or a daughter, etc… once pressed into the question, you will more likely start looking a little deeper, the answer will start to address your values, like integrity, honesty, honor, royalty, and so on. If you really want to get an A on the question, your will then go into your spirituality, what you believe, and how you relate to a bigger force or divine order. Every layer of your answer will only leave you with more questions, and if you answer this question correctly, you should have a lot questions unanswered. This is exactly what happened to me and this is what started my self-discovery journey that I am on, and this is why I am here to share with you.

The Journey to Self-Discovery

When I started this blog, I was so enthusiastic about sharing my journey, journey of coming from surviving to thriving. I wanted to encourage others about healing from trauma, and as I was sharing I quickly realized that I only glazed the surface myself and I didn’t really know fully what I was talking about, because I had too built-on an illusion. What I thought I knew was false to a deeper degree, and so I stopped writing for a time, and I went on a journey of finding the truth. As I was digging for truth I slowly found myself. My journey to self-discovery was to answer the “Who are you question”. I understood why the trauma I suffered was so deep, and why my identity crisis was there. I found out that I was lost, so lost in the illusion to the highest degree. My spirituality crumbled. Something that had kept my illusions together like glue fell apart. I was devastated! At the same time my prayers were being answered. Finding the truth, so that I can be free at last.

Seek and You Will Find

I invested in a program with someone I have known for over a decade. He is fitness guru and motivational professional. I embarked on this journey in December of 2020 without knowing what I was going to find out. At that time, everything around me was going wrong. My health and wellness was declining, my relationships in a dump, and although I have businesses and money coming in, my financial health was not good at all. Sometimes things look really good on the outside, but once you start peeling the layers, its like a stinky onion. I knew that I needed to change something. So I invested in this 90 day program seeking a balanced life. I didn’t know what to expect, but I was desperate for ideas, a change, advice, anything at all. The Program covered Health and Wellness, Relationships, and Wealth and Wellness. 21 days in I added in a Spiritual component, because this is something that is important to me. What I am getting at is that if you seek you will find. The key here is to seek and to do the work necessary for a better outcome.

To Get to Truth, You Must Ask Questions

I guess one can ask, what is truth, and how do you know that what you believe is truth? This is a very hard question to answer and this is the question that I asked myself. In my journey of self-restoration and finding balance, my daily exercises forced me to start asking questions and digging a little deeper. I soon realized that I have been a sheep. Just like the waives of the sea, I have been taken here and there, and once I never questioned what I was taught. I have been accused of being naïve, and this was true up until I started to question everything. I questioned my spirituality, where did it come from, how can I possibly believe that it is true? What is the Bible and where did it come from? Who is Jesus, and why have I trusted my life to Him? I then asked question about me. My race, were I come from, why are my people so hated? Why don’t I fit in? Why do I still feel like something is missing? What is missing? Then I started looking at my relationships? Why am I attracted to white men? Why don’t I go out of my way to make friendships with the people of my race? What are the reasons why I hated myself. Where did these ideas come from? Then I asked about my wealth. Why am I not financially independent? What is my financial blueprint? Why, am I not supporting others like me…black women in business? What is worth for a man to gain the entire world but lose his soul? Why haven’t I returned home? How about My Mother’s land? What are my responsibilities as they relate to my roots?

Your Turn~ Who are you?

What questions do you ask yourself about your identity? What are your answers? I have taken sometime to fully understand that you cannot possibly heal from trauma without answering key questions as they relate to your identity. I also know that I am not the only one who suffers from identity crisis, but I think that most of us deal with this issue. There is a deeper root issue that I uncovered. Stay with the blog to learn what it is. You can also read about the next topic here. It is not a new discovery issue, but rather something my eyes were opened to via this journey. I was able to understand who I am and where I came from. I was also able to find the deceptions and lies that I shaped my illusions.

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