Deuteronomy 28: Generational Trauma from These Curses
If you have been in religion, especially christianity any length of time, you may have heard of a term “Generational Curses”. Maybe you were not in Christianity, but you were able to observe certain patterns in your family. For example, all first born males struggled in life and never measure to nothing. Females in your family ended up having children outside marriage and were struggling single mothers. Perhaps, there is an issue of alcohol from father to father, and so on. At a first glance, some call these patterns hereditary, however hereditary has a lot to do with medical conditions that are passed through genetics (DNA), from one generation to the next. Could it be that generational curses are re-enforced through DNA? I mean how else does Sonini Nanini track down the sins of the father to the 4th generation? Could spirituality and science collide when it comes to Soninini Nanini’s Word?

Generational Curses
For His People, worshipping other gods was a grave sin. Sonini Nanini was clear about punishing the sins of the fathers to the third and fourth generation. However, the verse does not tell us how exactly Sonini Nanini was to punish these generations. One way or another, He did punish them because of disobedience. Idolatry is the gravest sin that continues various curses. The problem is that most of us did not know that we are committing idolatry while in religions. We also commit idolatry when we break the commandments that have all to do with Sonini Nanini’s Image, Name, Holy Day (Sabbath Day), etc…The more we commit idolatry generational curses continue and the cycles never stops. We must stop the cycles. The question is, how? In my previous post, I listed a simple prayer at the beginning of the post. The first step is to realize that religion deceived us, and change direction which is the true definition of repentance.
9 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me,
Deuteronomy 5:9
Trembling Heart, Failing Eyes, and Anguish Soul
Have you ever had a situation where you were in utter despair. You couldn’t see an end in sight. You felt trapped, and no matter how hard you tried to fix the issues or get out of it, things got much worst. Imagine living this way generation to generation. Not only that you may be struggling with some things in your personal life, the melanin in your skin makes you a target to the point of assault, discrimination, and even death. Let me just make it clear that it is not just the outer melanin that show who His People are, but also your seed aka DNA. If you are carrying the seed of Yakobi no matter how small in percentage, you are His Chosen!
Fight or Flight
For those who lived in continuous trauma, I am now learning that you body’s nervous system goes in a state of fight or flight. This is a nervous system response to help you survive. I can relate to this so much because I know more about surviving, than I do about thriving. Moreover, trauma leads to your eyes seeing things that are not there. Some run from a danger that doesn’t exists. The numbers of triggers can be incomprehensible especially when we are talking about something that is affecting you at a cellular level. Eventually the body goes in a freeze mode because it doesn’t know if it needs to run or stay in place. This is absolute terror. Now, Imagine living like this generation to generation, and tell me if there is any worst torture or punishment. If Sonini Nanini can punish His people this way, what will He do to the gentiles, and Edomites? Do you really still think that salvation comes by reciting one little prayer, and believing by faith? Why was this not an option for His Chosen People? Before you say that they rejected the Messiah, lets holds off on that until we get to that topic.
Trauma Passed Through DNA
Science is now proving that trauma of an ancestor is passed on through DNA all the way to the 14th generation. Have you ever has interesting dreams that do not make sense to you? Almost as if you are dreaming about another time era altogether? How about experiencing grief so deep when you see a certain injustice done to a person, even though you are not directly affected? Have you thought about how you determine your interests or causes that you align with and fight for? How can you have a conviction about something so deeply? Where is all that data come from? I have heard of the saying that we carry our ancestors within us. I also do believe that this is how Sonini Nanini revists the sins of the fathers to the 4th generation by tracing it in our genetic make-up. Yes, I agree that it is not fair that we have to pay for our fathers’ sins, but we do not get to make the rules, now do we? Sonini Nanini is sovereign all to Himself and decides what is acceptable and what is not, period.
65 And among those nations you shall find no rest, nor shall the sole of your foot have a resting place; but there the Lord will give you a trembling heart, failing eyes, and anguish of soul.
Deuteronomy 28:65
Fear and Anxiety Because of What We See
It is no way to live when you are constantly living in fear and anxiety. In fact fear and anxiety aligns so well with the fight or flight state of mind. Just think of a time something scared you. Did you feel this rush of warm substance running in your body? Did your eyes get big, your heart raced, and your face became pale? Chronic fear and anxiety leads to so many issues, and to relate to my previous post that talks about life of struggle and how inflammation comes into play, the fight and flight mode leads to a rush of chemicals into our bodies, which leads to inflammation. Now, you see how science only confirms the existence of Sonini Nanini? He is all knowing and everything He did, was perfection. So, who are we to question Him? Also, how can he change His Word?
66 Your life shall hang in doubt before you; you shall fear day and night, and have no assurance of life. 67 In the morning you shall say, ‘Oh, that it were evening!’ And at evening you shall say, ‘Oh, that it were morning!’ because of the fear which terrifies your heart, and because of the sight which your eyes see.
Deuteronomy 28:66-67
So Now What?
There is no other way. His People must repent! This article talks about what you should do. Notice how observing The Sabbath is a COVENANT SIGN BETWEEN HIM AND HIS CHOSEN PEOPLE! The verse below tells you exactly what you should do. Are you humble? Do you pray and seek His face? Are you giving up your wicked ways? You must do these three things in order for you to be heard by Him from Heaven. He will then forgive you of your sins and your ancestors sins, and also heal The Promised Land.
If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14