Overcome Obstacles And Be Inspired To Balance Your Life
….to whom much is given, much is required, from him much will be required….”
What obstacles have you faced or are you still facing? Life is unfair, isn’t it? Especially if you feel shortchanged, balancing life all at once can be challenging. You may have a family, a job, or your own business, in hopes of finding stability. In addition to wanting to improve yourself, responsibilities may weigh you down. I hope to motivate you by sharing my story, routines, tools, and how I stay motivated in my life. Isn’t that what we all want? Balance?!
Conquer The Tragedy That Is Holding You Back
My family is Rwandan, and I am a survivor of the 1994 Genocide. Some of the things I had to overcome include tragedy, obstacles, rejection, and loss, just to name a few. My story has taken me a long time to feel comfortable enough to share. I had to find healing, restoration, and letting myself live and flourish. Perhaps you have overcame some challenging things, but you may need encouragement for the next step or chapter of your life? Life is challenging, however, most of the time what we need to do is face our fears, conquer and thrive.
Below Are Some Of The Obstacles I Faced, What were Yours?
Having to have learned from hard-work and mistakes, I am finally ready to tell my story. I hope to save you a few mistakes along the way. I moved to the U.S. when I was 16, I am 39 now. Since I had no family in America, I lived in an apartment, worked at McDonald’s at night, and went to school during the day. I had to do night school while exploring colleges in order to graduate on time. Unfortunately, I did not finish college. Then I became pregnant, married too young for the wrong reasons, and divorced for even more wrong reasons. Despite the fact that my children are not mistakes, but rather a blessing from The Most High, our lives were not easy. Looking back, I am grateful for these life lessons, and indeed The Most High worked it all out for my good according to His Word. Sometimes we do not understand why things happen the way they do, especially when they are painful. How are you dealing with your current pain?

My Encouragement To You
if you can’t fly, then run, if you can’t run, then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but all means keep moving
Martin Luther King Jr.
I have experienced death, orphanage, rejection, homelessness, single motherhood, and loneliness. In contrast, I have also experienced love, acceptance, resilience, hard work, success, motherhood, leadership, and many more. We are all going through something, especially during these trying times. Even though life was hard then, it is more difficult now. Do not give up! Please read my story, I hope, and I pray that it gives you strength that keeps you going. We can discuss business, raising children, faith, finance, fitness, etc. We can also discuss how to stay motivated in the face of hardship, mastering our fears, and crafts. You can find stability no matter where we are in life, and overcoming any obstacles that may rise. The beauty of being a jack of all trades is being relatable, and helpful to those we meet along the journey.
You Too Can Thrive
I returned to college after a long absence. My major was Small Business Management and Entrepreneurship. Post college, I have worked for organizations, owned, and operated a child care business, a nanny agency, and a homestead. Furthermore, I worked for a financial organization that offered insurance, investments, and debt relief programs. In my business, I serve parents, children, grandparents, animals, and staff. Additionally, I have done a number of fitness and wellness programs and have learned what works for me and what doesn’t. My passion is to inspire others, especially those who are stuck between trauma and thriving.