Who is The Most High: Where is The Promised Land
In the covenant The Most High made with Abraham, He promised Him a Land. A rich land that flows with Milk and Honey. The previous post discusses how Abraham left his family and went to the land that The Most High will showed him. I always wondered why the west want Africa and continue to

Who Is The Most High 1 of 3: Who Are His People?
We have established that one of the characteristics of The Most High is that He works in covenants. We see this after He created Adam and Eve and gave them dominion over the Earth and everything in it. He then issued a decree of what not to do while they ruled the earth and laid

Who Is The Most High: What Are Some of His Characteristics?
Now that we have established that The Most High’s name is Sonini Nanini, we will be calling Him this name moving forward. The next question is, what is Sonini Nanini like? What makes Him so unique from other gods. How can we identify Him? Would Identifying Him by His unique characteristics help us worship Him

Who is The Most High 1 of 2: What is His Name?
Lets be honest! You cannot truly have a relationship with someone without knowing their name. Every person has a name. The Most High named Adam and Eve. He instructed Adam to name each creation. It is vital to understand the importance of a name. What does a name tell us about someone? If having a

Who is The Most High~ What Does He Look Like
Who is the One you worship? Do you know who He is? How can you be so sure that whom you worship is the True God? There are so many deceptions out there. A lot people are starting to ask important questions as they relate to christianity and any other religions for that matter. If

How to Building on Solid Foundations: Health and Wellness
Health and wellness is so important but usually overlooked. Have you ever heard that saying, “What is it worth for a mans to gain the entire world, but lose his soul”? What is it worth for you to get all the wealth, the spouse, but not be here long enough to enjoy them? You can