4 Steps On How To Be Brave, While On A Narrow Path~ Step 4 of 4: No Matter What Do Not Quit
While on a narrow path, as a chosen and set apart person, you will face difficulties that most people do not experience. As much as you want to quit, don’t. I believe that in order to fulfill our calling, we must have a strategy in place that help us face the hard road ahead of us. Moving through life blindly is dangerous. For a set apart person, life challenges can be insurmountable. After life has toyed with you once, twice, three times, eventually you must take life by its horns?! Additionally, you start evaluating everything and deciding what is important in life. Is money, fame, success enough? I am here to tell you that your spiritual life is the most important aspect that leads to all others.

Strategize/Nothing Happens By Chance
In order to strategize so that you do not give up, the first three steps are: 1. Establishing a prayer life, 2. Clearly know your identity, and 3. Identify Your calling. As I illustrated in prior posts, your spirit man leads everything. In order to be successful in our journey, we need some supernatural help and reinforcements. Our spirit must connect with Sonini Nanini not only in prayer but also in covenant. Sonini Nanini has rules and regulations that He hold dear. These commandments, statutes, and ways of Sonini Nanini are designed to connect us to Him. In order for us to succeed in our calling, we must obey them. Sonini Nanini is the foundation for everything that we do. Otherwise, we cannot fulfill the calling He gave us at creation, if we do not obey Him.
Obey The Law
We are a spirit with a soul, and a body that encapsulates it all. Our Spirit has to draw from another spiritual source in order to feed our souls and bodies. The spiritual source can be a good source or an bad source. The light or darkness will guide your life. It is life an electrical grid that feeds smaller grids where you house connects to. Some connect to dark spirits and practice spirituality that leads to manipulation, control, murder, lying. Others connect to spirituality that leads to love, forgiveness, kindness, generosity, treating others the wat we want to be treated. However, one source of spirituality is more powerful than the other, and it is the one of our Creator. Sonini Nanini has rules, and statutes in place for us to obey in order to live well.
The Savior Did Not Take Away The Commandments
Most Christians will say that The Savior said that we only have two commandments now and that is it. What they fail to notice is that these two commandments are two categories of the entire list. The first 4 commandments about our love to Sonini Nanini.
Love Thy Sonini Nanini
- You shall have no other gods before Me. Sonini Nanini is the only Creator, The Most High. No other deity shall be worshipped other than Him.
- You shall not make idols. No graven images shall be worshipped. It is idolatry.
- You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain. You must respect Sonini Nanini. He is mighty, He is good all by Himself. He was not created buy created the entire universe. Show respect that is greater than any king receives.
- Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. This is the commandment that most christians break. We must observe the weekly Sabbath just life Sonini Nanini did. For six days He created, and on the 7th day, He rested. The Sabbath starts Friday at sunset (google when the sunset is in your area, till Saturday evening at sunset).
The last 6 commandments are about our relationships with each other. I find it very interesting that more commandments are about relationships with each other. This twice about how you treat others.
Love One Another
- Honor your father and your mother. Your earthly father and mother brought you in this world. No matter if are good parents or not, you must honor them for the fact that they brought you into this world.
- You shall not murder. This is also includes abortions, and wishing someone to die. Pay attention to your thoughts and ask for forgiveness when you sin in your mind.
- You shall not commit adultery. The Savior pointed to the fact that lust even when lacking physical act, is adultery. We must keep ourselves in check through prayer and repentance.
- You shall not steal. Any form of stealing. Don’t cheat your taxes. Don’t take from the poor, and definitely do not take anything without asking no matter how small.
- You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. Don’t lie about others. Do not slander others, do not gossip. (Forgive me Sonini Nanini. This is an area that I sin against you)
- You shall not covet. Be grateful for what you have and pray for what you need. Do not wish in envy what others have.
17 “Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill.
Matthew 5:17
Daily Routine
How you start your day will make a huge difference. Getting in the habit of starting your day alone with Sonini Nanini will definitely lead to great things. On a daily basis plan 30 to 45 minutes minimum ideal 1 hours of alone time as soon as you wake up. Start with a prayer. Your prayer life will evolve as you spend more and more time with Him. It is important to thank Sonini Nanini, ask for forgiveness for breaking His commandments, and consecrate your day to Him. I would recommend spending 30 minutes praying and worshipping. Moreover find songs on youtube specifically worshipping Sonini Nanini, not jesus or god or lord. This is one of the songs that I really like. I had someone translate it for me to make sure it is for The Most High.
Gratitude List
Your gratitude list will change your mindset completely. Daily in your alone time after prayer or as a part of your prayer, be sure to list everything, and everyone you are grateful for. Continually thank Sonini Nanini for your breath and the fact that you are alive. Thank Him for your family, your home, and your ability to earn a living. Make your list as detailed as you can. You can based your list on your Sonini Nanini, health, wellness, relationships, and finances. Additionally, make a list of people you are grateful for. Throughout the day reach out to them and tell them how much they mean to you. This can be your spouse, or your children, or people you work with.
Your Life Goals Vision and Mission Statements
It is important to speak out loud your life’s goal’s vision and mission statements. I broke these categories down as follows for your reference on how I wrote vision and mission statements:
- Spiritual Vision and Mission Statements
- Health and Wellness Vision and Mission Statements
- Relationships
- and Finances and Wealth
Your Daily To Do Lists and Schedule
While you are alone, take some time to go over your calendar or to-do list. You can ask Sonini Nanini to give you favor to complete the most important things. In His wisdom, He knows what we need most. Therefor, include Him in your to-do list as well. I prefer electronic calendar and online document that I can copy and updated daily. I use google workspace account, which helps me keep everything on one place. However, you can use a notebook, and a simple pen along with a desk calendar or notebook calendar. It is up to you how you manage your schedule. The most important thing is that you manage it. I find that no matter, there are daily items that must be done on a daily basis no matter what. Make this list, laminate it, and hang it where you can see it.
Fuel for Your Body
Very little can be accomplished when our bodies do not have what it needs. Health and wellness is vitals in this case to make sure that our bodies are in a top shape. Therefore, sleep well, plan and eat healthy meals, and exercise your body. Moreover, hydrate too. I find that the best water bottles are those that have interval trackers on them and can hold 1 gallon of water. A good rest, good food, and hydration will go along way in helping you in achieving your calling and persevering. Sometimes it is the simplest things that can lead us to greatness.
Fight Discouragement And Rest
For someone like you who is on a narrow path, you will deal with a lot of setbacks and discouragement. You are in a war my friend. Learn strategies of warfare because you are not only fighting here in this physical realm, you are also fighting in the spiritual realm. Listen to your entire being spirit, soul, and body. Are you getting tired? If so, plan rests in your strategy. Identify ways that your body need a re-set and then pick yourself up again and keep moving. Never get stuck in a funk. If you need to cry, cry! While you cry, analyze the reason why you are crying. Depending on a reason of your sadness address it in prayer, and also in seeking assistance like therapy. You are in a war, and sometimes even warriors take time to rest and re-strengthen themselves.