Christians are Catholics, Catholics are Christians 2 of 2 ~Similarities
In the previous post we explored this topic showing how both catholics and christians are one the same. The biggest common factor is deception, and rebellion. The Bible says that rebellion is the same as witchcraft. Rebellion led to lucifer’s fall and just like he fell, he is using religion to push people away from The Most High so they too can fall. The enemy does this by disobedience of The Most High’s Commandments. As I was writing part 1 of this post, it became clear that the similarities needed a post of their own. Some of these similarities include sunday worship, communion, inventing their own holiday such as easter, christmas, and many others.

Commandments That Are Disobeyed by Religion
Ironically it is the first four commandments that honor Sonini Nanini that are broken by both christians and catholics. It is heartbreaking that we believed lies for so long. How can we get is so wrong? Why would christians think that it is ok to disobey the Father, and still expect to partake in the reward to come? Additionally, how can we those who were adopted in the family, think that we can change every rule and regulation of that family and take it over? I call deception! True worship is demonstrated through the obedience of that deity’s commandments.
1st Commandment: You Shall Have No Other gods Before Me
This commandment is straight forward. The Most High Sonini Nanini our Creator tells us not to worship any other gods before Him. The first question to ask ourselves is, what is considered as a god? The easiest way to define god, is anything that is willingly, and expressively given worship. Each religion and culture will define god differently. However, there is only one supreme God, Sonini Nanini our Creator and He tells us to not worship any other gods. The question is then, what other gods does the christians and catholics bring before Sonini Nanini and worship before Him? Christians have removed themselves from the commandments altogether, and claim that they are no longer under the law. However, The Messiah himself, said that He did not come to get ride of the law, but to fulfill it. Additionally, christians say that they are in jesus, under grace. What does that really mean? This means that they can do whatever they want and still go to heaven. This is a deception!
Catholics’ Other gods
It is so easy to point out that catholics truly do worship other gods. The reason this is easy to point out is because it is blatantly in your face. For example the worship given to mary, and those they call saints. Additionally, the worship given to the pope as he plays the roles of intermediary between God and men. The catholics truly go above and beyond in their idolatry in the open which tells me they are not worshipping the True Creator, but rather they are worshipping those gods that I talk about in this post.
2 “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. 3 “You shall have no other gods before Me.
Exodus 20:2-3
Christians’ Other gods ~The Worship of Jesus
The worshipping of jesus in itself is a form of idoltry. If we take a close look of the conduct of the Savior, The Messiah, you will never find where He told His followers to worship Him. In fact in every one of His conduct, He pointed honor, and praise to The Most High Sonini Nanini (I AM THAT I AM). Who is this jesus that christians are claiming they are in? Was the true Savior replaced by another? and most importantly did He ever ask for worship? If you find any verse in the Bible that demonstrated Him asking or demanding worship, please share it with me. Just because He received worship, doesn’t mean He demanded it. I do believe because He was about His Father’s business, The Father honored and rewarded Him however He chose. I also believe that because The Messiah was obedient, He was rewarded and is seated by the right hand of Sonini Nanini.
And He said to them, “Why did you seek Me? Did you not know that I must be about My Father’s business?”
Luke 2:49
Christians’ Other gods ~The Worship of mammon
By removing ourselves from the commandments, opened a door to seek after other things. The deception comes in when we are consumed by Money, entertainment, fame, family, and love of self and putting these above The Most High. I am guilty of this as well and instead of ignoring the commandments, we must live by them. While trying we will fail, and this is where grace and the covering of the Messiah comes in because He was perfect, and He fulfilled every commandment. Just like He walked, we must follow in His foot steps. The question is, you will go by and enforce the teachings of Paul (you take them out of context), and ignore what The Messiah Himself taught. Why is it that you are taking the least resistant path? This is deception! Remember the path is narrow and few find it.
Christians’ Other gods~ Paganism In Churches (click this Title)
It doesn’t matter how far christians run, but if they are observing these holidays and do some of these worship practices, they are worshipping other gods. Remember the indication is worship. Anything that dishonors Sonini Nanini, is putting that thing before Him and He is not having it. One of those indications of worshipping other gods, is worshipping on sundays. Not only that this violate the 4th commandment, you are also worshipping the sun god. I talk about this in the post called Where Did sunday Worship Come From? Another indicator is the practice of paganism in the church. You see these practices when celebrating easter, christmas, halloween, valentine’s day, among others. It is rare to see any fiests days described in Bible celebrated in christianity. Instead we see an increase of lawlessness of celebrating holidays that are rooted in paganism and introduced by the catholic church.
Christians’ Other gods~ Communion (click This Title)
This is one kicked me in the gut. I feel so much grief knowing what I know now. You have to understand that the catholic church corrupted the Bible, and this is evident more so in the New Testament. This is why you must ask questions. An easy question to ask is, did The Most High ever command His people to eat flesh, and drink blood? Look in the Old Testament, did he ever require a human sacrifice? So, why are we saying that The Messiah was sacrificed for our sins, while human sacrifices were never permitted with The Chosen People? In fact, we see over and over again Sonini Nanini telling His People not to offer their children in the fire to baal. I know this to be true. The Most High doesn’t contradict Himself. So, somewhere in the New Testament, the truth was perverted by the catholic church, and christians to this day, are practicing this abominable act of eating flesh, and drinking blood which results in condemnation.
10 ‘And whatever man of the house of Israel, or of the strangers who dwell among you, who eats any blood, I will set My face against that person who eats blood, and will cut him off from among his people. 11 For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you upon the altar to make atonement for your souls; for it is the blood that makes atonement for the soul.’
Leviticus 17:10-11
Christians’ Other gods~ Baal Worship (click The Title)
I think the biggest deception is that the enemy is not going to come out and say, look this is how I am deceiving you. We were told to look at the fruits, right? If you remove yourself and start looking at Christianity, you will see the following as it relates to baal worship:
- Too man temptations to take you away from worshipping The Most High
- Evidence of breaking anything that is a sign of covenant. This is includes breaking the Sabbath, and extreme high divorce rates among christians.
- Blood shedding which was a custom for the priests of baal found in 1 Kings 18 as they cut themselves for blood flow. This is evident in the crusades of the catholic church, and christians who exploited others in slavery, and colonization.
- The abortion industry of shading blood of innocent children as a sacrifice to baal and the church does very little about it.
- Sex scandal among pastors, priests, christian families involving children, adultery, homosexuality, among others.
I will punish Bel (another name of baal) in Babylon, And I will bring out of his mouth what he has swallowed; And the nations (Edomites) shall not stream to him anymore. Yes, the wall of Babylon shall fall.
Jeremiah 51:44
2nd Commandment: You Shall Not Make Idols. No Graven Images
As I embarked on this journey, I quickly learned the power of an image. Images are so powerful and can be used to brainwash people, and cause them to do what you want them to do. We see this on watching movies, shows, and news on televisions. People will believe anything that is presented to them in image form. Why does The Most High tells us to not make any idols, and graven images? It is because He knows that our eyes are the gates to the soul. If we let a corrupt thing to enter our soul, it will corrupt the body, and the spirit. I wrote about this in this post.
The Worship of the Cross (Click This Title)
Have you ever asked this question: where did the cross come from? Would it surprise you if the cross also have paganism roots? The truth is the cross was already here way before The Messiah came. You must ask yourself, why is it the cross comes in the picture in the New Testament, and it was never mentioned in the Old Testament? Was this another branding of paganism and christianity. Many churches you will go to have crosses in them. Another graven images that is worshipped or used in worship. The truth of the matter is The Messiah was hang on a tree just like they did His People in lynching.
The God of our fathers raised up Jesus whom you murdered by hanging on a tree.
Acts 5:30
Images of Jesus in Churches (Click This Title)
Now this one is hard to swallow. The Messiah’s name is not jesus. You have to understand that anything romans, greeks, and other edomites touched, they corrupted. You are better off calling The Messiah Yeshua, Yehoshua, or Msindisi in bantu languages meaning Savior or Salvation. Additionally, the images they have showed us about The Savior, is false. No He is not a white man, and He is not from Middle East. I talk about how The Bible describes Him in this post. In fact that they tried so hard to change His Image, and force us to worship such image, it is clear that they deliberately disobey the very second commandment. Although the Bible shows us some of the characteristics of Sonini Nanini, and of of The Messiah, it doesn’t tell us to go ahead and make an image on our own accord and reverence to that image for worship.
Where Did The Popular Jesus Image Come From? click this title
You know once you start looking into all this, you will be grieved, but the truth will set you free. The image of a white man found in churches and many households around the world, is nothing but a fabricated image. I talk about how The Most High Looks Like in this post. Also, you can easily see the truth by studying a few things yourself:
- At creation the first human created using dirty. We are even told that The Most High Himself creates a garden for them. Anyone who gardens knows that you need rich dark soil to grown a healthy garden. If he created them in that soil, it is safe to assume how they looked like. If they were created in His likeness, it is safe to assume He is also dark.
- The journey of Abraham: Genesis 13 clearly tells us that Abraham left Egypt by going up and out (meaning elevation) to the south. South of Egypt is deep into Africa. Original sub-Saharan Africa are black people.
- Evidence is now coming out showing that Ancient Egyptians were black people. If we use Egypt as a reference you will quickly see that, Joseph the son of Jacob lived there, so he blended and looked like them because his brothers did not recognize him. Moses was a prince there, The Savior himself hid there. How would He have hidden himself if he was pale white?
- Read about the Promised Land and compare it to today’s israel. You will see that this white jesus is yet another lie to hide the true identity of the Chosen People. The promised land is a rich land found in Sub-Saharan Africa! You can find more information on this blog. Just use the search feature.
3rd Commandment: You Shall Not Take The Name of The Lord Your God In Vain
Not only that His Image is so important, His name is also important. Do we really understand what it means to take a name in vain. What does this act include? Does it mean that we are not giving the name the respect it deserves? Perhaps it means, calling Him by names that are no His. Do we know the name of The Most High? Why are there so many? How do we know that these other names are not breaking the 3rd Commandment. The only way I was able to learn His true name was studying those 4 points I mentioned in the previous section. In order to truly know who someone is, you must know what they look like, their name, character, and their origin in this care, The Most High’s People. The I looked at Moses and what The Most High told him about His name. Through studying these topics there is a name above all names and that is Sonini Nanini. A name that was plagiarized by the Hebrew language to come up with these other names. I will dedicate a topic on this in another post.
4th Commandment: Remember The Sabbath, Keep It Holy
I have written about the sabbath in this post and I cannot do the importance of the Sabbath justice at all. Why did the christian churches and catholic churches get ride of the Sabbath? Could obeying this commandment be a source of blessing, and life? Some christians will argue that the sabbath is only for the jews and that of course since christians are no longer under the law, they do not have to follow it. If you read in the book of Genesis, the 7th day Sabbath, happened way before Sonini Nanini entered a covenant with Abraham. Remembering and keeping the Sabbath holy, is a SIGN of the covenant, between Him and us. It is crucial to our worship and obedience.
2 Thus the heavens and the earth, and all the host of them, were finished. 2 And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done. 3 Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made.
Genesis 2:1-3
Sunday Worship (Click This Title)
The reason why the churches got ride of the Sabbath, it is simply because they are worshipping another deity. This deity is the sun god from the religion mithras. This sunday worship is followed by many other holidays that give honor and worship to these false gods. C
Conclusion, Yes I Rest My Case On This Topic
Can you not see? Everything was perfectly orchestrated to deceive you. This is deception is designed to separate you from The Most High. You can’t break the first 4 commandments that has to do with The Most High, and be anywhere close to Him. There is no way that you will be able to disobey your father and without repentance and come and ask for your inheritance. See the prodigal son had to acknowledge the errors of his ways, and confessed that to his father in order to be forgiven. In fact the son didn’t even ask for what he though he deserved, he ask to be a servant. Christians and catholics alike, are so prideful. Pride is what cast lucifer down from heaven. Repent!